Beryl Bender July Weekend Begins

Date: April 19th, 2024, including 7/12/24.

Heartsong Yoga welcomes Beryl Bender, author, director of The Hard & The Soft Yoga Institute, co-founder of the Give Back Yoga Foundation, and teacher, mentor, and longtime friend to Heartsong.

Saturday morning asana practice class is wait list only.

Pre register now open for individual sessions only.

Friday, July 12, 6 - 8 pm.....Mindfulness Meditation - $55
Pre Register here for just this class. What motivates you to start a meditation practice?  A desire to relieve physical or mental “suffering,” or out of an intellectual curiosity to know what is real?  Or both?  Freedom, peace, and long-lasting happiness cannot be found in the material world, not in acquired stuff, relationships, family, accomplishments . . . as all is impermanent and constantly changing, & offers no stable ground on which to stand.  Only in recognition of the True Self and the single condition of Consciousness can lasting freedom and happiness be found.  And meditation is a doorway to that adventure.

Saturday, July 13, 11:00 - 12:30…..Present Power practice  - $30
Pre Register here for just this class.Get your fire going, renew your energy, and reinspire your passion for practice, with this well designed and balanced sequence of postures from the astanga asana system. Your asana practice isn’t just about stretching your hamstrings, it is designed to train your mind in focus and concentration and is essential preparation for meditation. Without an effort to pay attention and be present, asana practice is merely exercise.  Nothing wrong with exercise, it's just not yoga.  This class may have a waitlist.....always a sell out.

and.....Saturday afternoon, 2 - 4 pm….Yoga & Longevity - $45
Pre Register here for just this classThe yoga lifestyle is the perfect formula for living a long, healthy, and happy life.  Explore the commonalities of long-lived people all over the world – from movement and meditation, to managing stress and connecting with community.  Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of the vibrant Heartsong sangha, a “right tribe” of like-minded souls who support your healthy behavior.  This is not an "asana" practice, (yoga practice) and we will spend this time talking about longevity and the yoga lifestyle, with Q & A.

Sunday, July 14, 7:30 am - 9:30 am….Mindfulness Meditation - $45
Pre Register here for just this classMany people say they are too busy, or too stressed to have time to meditate.  Meditation is not a “something” that you are adding to your life.  It is subtracting, not adding.  It frees you from the non-stop wasted energy of being lost in thought, about the past or future.  It can also be coincident with every moment of your life as there is nothing you can do, once you know how to meditate, that excludes meditation.  It is the recognition of an “intrinsic character of Consciousness” and that all there is Consciousness and its contents, and you are not a separate observer of that experience.  Consciousness is not in you.  You are in Consciousness.  Curious?  Join us for a lively discussion of how to get started and move deeper into your spiritual journey.

CEU’s available for all classes, In-Studio Only