Reiki 3 Master Training

Date: May 18th, 2024.

Time: 12:30 PM

New: Reiki Training at Heartsong Yoga, 2024
with Priscilla Gale, from Sacred Sound Reiki, in Stow, MA

Each day will begin at 12:30, there will be a break mid day and we will end "when we are done!" (so much depends on the numbers and how the day unfolds! Late afternoon...for sure.) Fees include all materials, details about each level of training, here.

Level 1: Saturday, March 16:         Pre register here, $195.
Level 2: Saturday, April 13:           Pre register here, $230.
Level 3/Master Teacher Training:    Saturday, May 18:  Pre register here, $315.

Priscilla Gale is a life-long spiritual seeker. She teaches that the true experience of oneness and wholeness is based in recognizing everyone is far more than just the sum of the parts, but a vitally important part of a greater whole of the heart of humanity. Formerly an international opera singer, now as Minister and High Priestess, she is devoted to a life of learning, having studied multiple spiritual paths and healing modalities in the service of mankind, and the planet.
Priscilla's bio and information

Reiki, (pronounced ray-key) developed in the early 1900’s, is an energy practice that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, anxiety, chronic aches and pains while offering symptom relief to improve over-all health and well-being along with boosting the immune system.  It is used as a form of therapy complementary to existing medical treatments.  It is a safe, gentle non-invasive form of natural hands-on energy based healing.

Reiki is said to emanate from divine source, regulated by divine intelligence, and is a path to awareness and openness to the divine, and also a path for healing and wholeness. It represents a form of spiritual healing that involves the transfer of universal life energy from the practitioner to the recipient. By opening a path to one's spiritual source, the energy in your body is corrected and adjusted to a healthy state. A sense of peace and well-being enables you to make healthy changes in your life. Reiki is administered by "laying on hands" and uses specific techniques for restoring and balancing the natural life force energy within the body. Learn these techniques for your own development, or to share with others.