Free intro to "All things Heartsong Yoga"

Date: September 12th, 2018.

Free Intro to "All Things Heartsong" with director Sheila Magalhaes
A chance to experience our styles of yoga, learn about the studio, ask questions and simply be a beginner!  No experience needed!

We will introduce to you our foundational practices offered here, and then we will lead you through some practices, so that you can sample, or observe:

Gentle Kripalu Yoga for Every-Body...sometimes called the yoga of compassion, it's at the heart of every class at Heartsong Yoga.  This style of yoga is for all levels, and perfect for the new student or someone wanting to find relaxation, stretching, and strenghening accessible to all.
Ashtanga Yoga,
or that you can see that there are many ways to practice yoga and there is something for all.  This style of yoga is fun, and much more vigorous than Kripalu Yoga. The traditional progressive sequence of poses creates strength, flexibility, endurance, with a great sweat too!
Try them both or watch and learn!

Followed by relaxation and a little meditation!
All are welcome, Jr. High school age and above.
No pre registration is needed, just show up!
or call 413-525-0720 for more information.


3 week Kripau "Gentle Yoga for Every-Body"
or "Ashtanga Power Yoga"Course
s are forming now:
Wednesdays:  Kripalu Yoga with Sheila, in the Great Room
Or, Ashtanga Yoga with Cat, in the Bamboo Room
Sept. 26, October 3, October 10, 7:15 to 8:30 pm.

$45.00 for the session,
Registration and information, here.