Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Bath Afternoon Workshop

with Priscilla Gale, joining us from Sacred Sound Reiki, in Stow, MA
Saturday, September 20, 2025
3 - 5 pm.
$40. please pre register (walk ins welcome but we like to plan ahead)

Journey from sacred Root to expansive Crown in a deeply immersive, full body experience.  As the vibrations from the bowls envelop the room, experience the gentle yet therapeutic and restorative gifts to receive deep rest and relaxation for cleansing awareness, self-inquiry and self-discovery where the stresses of every day life are cleared and washed away, bringing balance, renewed feelings of well-being along with peace, joy, confidence and clarity of thought.

Experience the healing properties of the bowls as you restore wholeness, deepen and amplify the harmonic balance throughout the physical, mental and emotional whole self, creating a symphony of health and vibrancy. shifting your vibrational level back to a less chaotic and natural rhythm.

More Sound Bath Benefits:
Brainwave patterns affect your mental and emotional health and consciousness. These bowls affect the brainwaves, allowing you to comfortably, easily and quickly slip deeply into states of theta and delta. Bowls have long been shown to lower blood pressure and heart rate by inducing alpha waves in the brain, along with strengthening the immune system, releasing pain and stress, and creating a sense of well-being, vitality, and happiness.
Priscilla's bio and information

Vibrational Properties: Crystal vs Metal Singing Bowls
Both Crystal Singing Bowls and Himalayan Singing Bowls create vibration that the human body responds to at the crystalline level. Vibrations of both sets of bowls hit the bone structure as the body is an instrument which has air spaces within it. The vibrational signature of Himalayan Singing Bowls initialize our para-sympathetic nervous system which naturally supports the increase of disease fighting immune cells transmitted directly into our blood, organs and cells as well as triggering endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers. Crystal Singing Bowls, because they are made from quartz crystal have many of the same physical properties, amplifying, transforming, storing, focusing and transferring energy. Crystal Singing Bowls resonate sine waves, working in all layers of the body’s personal vibrational resonance, helping the body to get back to balance and healthy resonation. With balanced resonation, then blood circulation is supported as well as is the metabolism, reducing inflammation, pain, stress and lowering blood pressure.
More about sound healing bowls, here.